
0.1250 (Per Unit)

Payment Date


Operating Period

01/04/24 - 30/06/24

Historical Record of the Distribution Payments

Years Date of Resolution of the Board of Directors X-Date Payment Date Distribution
(Per Unit)
Operating Period
2024 09/08/24 22/08/24 06/09/24 0.1250 01/04/24 - 30/06/24
09/05/24 21/05/24 05/06/24 0.1250 01/01/24 - 31/03/24
2023 19/02/24 01/03/24 18/03/24 0.140 01/10/23 - 31/12/23
06/11/23 17/11/23 04/12/23 0.150 01/07/23 - 30/09/23
07/08/23 18/08/23 04/09/23 0.148 01/04/23 - 30/06/23
08/05/23 19/05/23 02/06/23 0.140 01/01/23 - 31/03/23
2022 20/02/23 03/03/23 17/03/23 0.160 01/10/22 - 31/12/22
07/11/22 18/11/22 06/12/22 0.160 01/07/22 - 30/09/22
09/08/22 24/08/22 05/09/22 0.1493 01/04/22 - 30/06/22
09/05/22 24/05/22 06/06/22 0.149 01/03/22 - 31/03/22
2021 24/02/22 11/03/22 21/03/22 0.160 01/10/21 - 31/12/21
11/11/21 26/11/21 08/12/21 0.160 01/07/21 – 30/09/21
09/08/21 24/08/21 06/09/21 0.131 01/04/21 – 30/06/21
13/05/21 28/05/21 10/06/21 0.131 01/01/21 – 31/03/21
2020 25/02/21 12/03/21 22/03/21 0.160 01/10/20 – 31/12/20
12/11/20 25/11/20 09/12/20 0.160 01/07/20 - 30/09/20
2019 09/08/19 22/08/19 06/09/19 0.174 01/04/19 - 30/06/19
10/05/19 23/05/19 10/06/19 0.1419 17/10/19 - 31/03/19

Capital reduction

Years Date of Resolution of the Board of Directors X-Date Payment Date Type Distribution
(Per Unit)
2020 13/08/20 26/08/20 11/09/20 Reduction 0.137
14/05/20 27/05/20 12/06/20 Reduction 0.131
2019 26/02/20 10/03/20 26/03/20 Reduction 0.174
07/11/19 20/11/19 06/12/19 Reduction 0.176

Policy on Distribution of Payment

SPRIME’s distribution payment policy is set forth as follows:

  1. The REIT Manager shall make distribution payments to its unitholders at a rate of no less than 90% of its adjusted net profit for each fiscal year.

    Any such distribution payment to the unitholders shall be divided into year-end distribution and interim distribution (if any). The REIT Manager shall make a maximum distribution payment for four (4) payments of dividend distribution to the unitholders during each fiscal year, except the year in which capital increase of SPRIME is made, SPRIME may make more than four (4) payments of dividend distribution to the unitholders during such fiscal year for the benefit of existing unitholders. (The first distribution payment may be made within SPRIME’s first accounting period if SPRIME earns sufficient profit to make the payment in such period.)
    The adjusted net profit mentioned above means the net profit adjusted by the reserve items as following purposes:

    1. Such reserves for repair, maintenance, or improvement of SPRIME’s asset in accordance with the plan specified in the registration statement and the prospectus, the annual registration statement , the annual report or which the REIT Manager has notified the unitholders in advance.
    2. Such reserves for repayment of loans or encumbrance incurred from loans obtained by SPRIME in accordance with the amount specified in the registration statement and the prospectus, or the annual registration statement, the annual report or which the REIT Manager has notified the unitholders in advance.
    3. Such reserves for distribution payment to the unitholders who has the first right to receive dividend distribution or capital reduction (if any). Including such other necessities in the line with SPRIME’s cash flows status in accordance with the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission’s guideline.
  2. In the event of SPRIME is unable to distribute dividend payments to the unitholders as mentioned above, the REIT Manager and the Trustee shall clarify such a necessary reason to the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with its guideline and disclose to the unitholders acknowledge in the Annual General Meeting.

  3. For consideration of the distribution payments to the unitholders, the REIT Manager shall consider the necessity in the line with the appropriate SPRIME’s cash flows in accordance with the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission’s guideline. Additionally, the REIT Manager shall not loan for distribution payment to the unitholders.

  4. In the event of any retained earnings from the adjusted net profit of each year. in any accounting period, the REIT Manager may pay dividends to the unitholders from such accumulated profit.

  5. In the event that SPRIME has incurred accumulated losses, the REIT Manager shall not make any distribution of dividends to the unitholders.

  6. In the event that there is a distribution payment to be made to the unitholders within each accounting period, the REIT Manager shall announce the distribution payment to the unitholders thereof and arrange for a closure of the Registration Book to determine the names of the unitholders who shall be entitled to receive the said distributions, and shall then make such relevant distribution payments to the entitled unitholders within the following time frame:

    1. Year-End Distribution

      The REIT Manager shall pay the year-end distribution within ninety (90) days after the fiscal year-end date and not exceeding thirty (30) days from the date of the closure of the Registration Book.

      Additional Conditions :

      For the year-end distribution, the distribution rate shall be at the discretion of the REIT Manager. If the amount of any declared year-end distribution for any fiscal year is lower than or equal to THB zero point one (0.10), the REIT Manager shall reserve the right not to pay out any such distribution, and the declared amount shall then be accumulated and forthwith distributed together with any subsequent distribution thereof.

    2. Interim Distribution

      The REIT Manager shall pay the interim distribution within ninety (90) days after the end of the last fiscal quarter prior to the release of the interim distribution and not exceeding thirty (30) days from the date of the closure of the Registration Book.

      Additional Conditions :

      For the interim distribution, the distribution rate shall be at the discretion of the REIT Manager. If the amount of any declared interim distribution for any fiscal quarter is lower than or equal to THB zero point one (0.10), the REIT Manager shall reserve the right not to pay out any such distribution, and the declared amount shall then be accumulated and forthwith distributed together with any subsequent distribution thereof.

      The REIT Manager shall arrange to have the distribution payments made in accordance with the Distribution Payment Policy as prescribed in the agreement, except if any amendments, modifications, additions of any notifications, notices, orders, approvals and/or postponement being otherwise issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or any relevant authorities, the REIT Manager shall duly comply therewith.

  7. SPRIME’s unitholders who shall be entitled to their distribution payments must have their names registered in the Registration Book of SPRIME’s unitholders as of the date of the closure of such book. Their distributions shall each be payable according to their holding ratio of SPRIME’s units. If there are any persons or any groups of persons holding SPRIME’s units in excess of the limit prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, such persons or groups of persons shall have no right to receive any distribution payments on the number of their unit holdings in excess of the prescribed limit.